Changes in the composition of BUMIX: FuturAqua still in the basket

The composition of the BUMIX and BUX basket of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) are changing from 23 March. The actions don’t affect our company, the FuturAqua Plc.’s position: our shares are still included in the BUMIX basket.

From 23 March, the following 18 shares are included in the BUMIX basket:: FuturAqua, 4IG, AKKO Invest, ANY Biztonsági Nyomda, Appeninn, AutoWallis, BIF, CIG Pannónia, Enefi, Graphisoft Park SE, KulcsSoft, Nordtelekom, Nutex, Opus Global, OTT-ONE, PannErgy, SET, Waberer’s.

Source: MTI
