Our mission
April 30. 2019. marks the beginning of a new era in the history of FuturAqua Mineral Water Production and Asset Management Public Limited Company: sustainability and the support of it became the main focus of our company. As part of this, we set up new strategic guidelines which made our firm committed to climate protection and the minimization of our ecological footprint. “FuturAqua – The future of water – The water of the future” – as we summarized the essence of our mission in the new motto.
As a responsible company, we believe that a new approach is needed. These days more and more news are arriving about devastating droughts and the whole world is concerned about the impending climate catastrophe, the water crisis and about the counter-measures. In the meantime we are watching more and more footage about the flora and fauna of lands, salt-, and sweet water drowning in plastics. Furthermore, the amount of dangerous microplastics is increasing and they already appeared in drinking water and human organisms.
We believe that the future of FuturAqua PLC and the Earth are tightly connected. Our company’s activity on the field of water management might be of key importance considering the future of our planet and our civilization: hozzájárulhatunk a víz környezeti fenntartásához.
We believe that in order to achieve all this, we need to step on new roads, on which one of the most important thing is that our company becomes actively involved in environment preservation. With our environment-friendly manufacturing position we can take significant steps towards preventing the creation and accumulation of utilized plastics, therefore decrease their amount.
We believe that our mission targeting the decreasing of the amount of plastic waste requires FuturAqua PLC – besides prevention – to join further processes of waste management, because the realization of our intentions can succeed together with the representatives of this field.
In the light of these endeavors we started the reevaluation of our products and mineral water exploitation, also among others we wish to finance research of innovative solutions.